Published by mgladmin on

Picture our current bench at the southeast end of our lake. Yes, it’s rather an eyesore and not all that comfortable anymore. Well, your Beautification Committee wrote a Neighborhood Improvement Grant with the City of Arvada, and we were selected! Our new bench will be green metal and has been ordered. However, with supply chains as they are, the bench may not be here for quite some time. Certainly it won’t be here anymore this summer, and it could be next spring before it arrives and can be installed.

The City of Arvada’s grant is for $1500. The bench will be in the vicinity of $1800. That means we need to come up with only about $300 as a community to add to the cost, and we get a nice new comfortable bench for sitting at the end of our lake!

At our Fourth of July celebration we’ll put out a jar for donations. Please support the cause! You could also send a check to Cathy Bartle at 8795 W 80th Dr, with check made payable to Meadowglen HOA and designated as a donation for the bench.

On the backrest of the bench will be an area for an inscription. It will indicate that it’s compliments of Meadowglen Residents and the City of Arvada, but we’d also like to include some sort of saying. That sitting area is used by a lot of people and is a prime location for relaxing, reflecting, and visiting. Some of the children will sit on it off and on for decades, and perhaps remember it as a special place growing up in Meadowglen. What shall we have for an inscription??

We’d like your ideas! Next to that donation jar on the Fourth will be a jar for your thoughts. Or, feel free to send any suggestions to cebartle@aol.com. Please include your children of all ages in this project; ask them for their ideas about what they’d like to see written on our bench. After the suggestions are whittled down to a bit, we’ll send out a survey of the “best” and all of us can vote for the inscription. Remember that space on the plaque is limited, so try to get your idea expressed in relatively few words.

There will also be a need for some volunteer hours around the time of the bench’s installation. The City of Arvada crews will do the work of removing the old and putting in the new, but volunteers might be asked to help in some supportive ways. More on that much later. Right now, we appreciate your financial support and your suggestions for our inscription!

Thanks much,
Your Beautification Committee

Categories: Uncategorized


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