Update to Meadowglen Halloween Party – Still on!

Published by mgladmin on

Yesterday the Colorado Department of Health amended “Safer at Home�? Order which states, “no personal parties over 10 people from two different households�? (link to amended order). The amended order also dictates the capacity for outdoor events. Many counties (Adams and Larimer) have also reverted back to Safer at Home Level 3: High risk, but Jefferson county still has us listed at Level 2: Concern. Under Safer at Home Level 2, we are allowed outdoor parties up to 175 people. Should Jefferson County change to Level 3 today, we will have to keep our numbers at any given time to 75 people. The Board spoke this morning and decided to proceed with the Halloween party following these guidelines. If we do move to Level 3 today, we will be keeping an eye on the numbers at the party and may ask for some people to disperse after partaking in festivities. We look forward to seeing you all tonight and having a great outdoor, socially distanced, masked-up event!

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