Timothy Marette And CPW Clean up Our Lake

Published by mgladmin on

This has been a tough year to say the least, and I’ve heard from so many that a walk around the Lake was the highlight of your day. There have also been comments about how the lake isn’t what it used to be and that it is lacking not only the trees, but the fish and wildlife that used to be so commonly found. Well, we are lucky here in Meadowglen because we have a young local activist who took things into his own hands to make a difference and improve the community. Earlier this year, Meadowglen teenager Timothy Marette contacted Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) for ideas to clean up the lake and improve the fishing at Pomona Lake (located in the middle of Meadowglen). After a few passionate and “determined�? emails, a CPW aquatics crew completed a fish survey. It turns out that the carp which had taken over the lake had degraded the water quality by rooting in the lake bottom for food and destroyed the habitat that the fish, waterfowl, and amphibians used to enjoy here in Meadowglen. It was determined that if CPW removed the carp from the lake, the water quality and habitat would eventually improve and more catchable fish along with other desirable animals would return. Over the Summer CPW began the carp removal along the shoreline of Pomona Lake. Besides removing well over 60 carp, they also caught and released two 5+ pound bass, and catchable crappie and bluegill. CPW is also due to come back sometime this Fall to finish the survey in the middle of Pomona Lake. Way to go Timothy! Thank you for making the lake better for all anglers, walkers, and Meadowglen residents.

– Brett Schumer

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