Social Events in Meadowglen – Reimagined

Published by mgladmin on

An important aspect of living in Meadowglen has been our commitment to a strong social fabric by providing a minimum of five neighborhood-wide events per year: The Spring Fling, the 4th of July picnic, the Doggy Swim and the Halloween and Winter Holiday family parties. In recent years, we have added a 5K run and teen nights to the list. As you all know, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of all events so far this year, and we do not know what the future holds regarding resuming the events as they once were.

As a Board, we support the continuation of our strong social fabric of the community both during this pandemic and after. We invite you to help make that happen by brainstorming with us, and with your family and neighbors, the various ways our traditional social events can be reimagined to adhere to the social distancing and other COVID restrictions/health orders issued by the public health agencies. For example: The 5K run, if held this year, will be done so in a way that staggers runners to maintain social distancing. The Halloween event could become a Porch Scarecrow decorating or Halloween decorating exhibit; the winter holiday event might be a snowman, winter wreath or other holiday decorating exhibit, etc.

While such activities can’t replace the interactivity of in-person events, they do invite neighbors to take walks around the neighborhood and chat while social distanced. They do allow us to celebrate without putting anyone’s health at risk. So get creative! Pool your ideas! And share them with the board by visiting:

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