Raising funds for our new bench at the 4th of July Party

Published by mgladmin on

You probably saw an article awhile ago about a new bench at the end of our lake. It will replace our old wooden one, and will be a nice new green metal one. The City of Arvada will pay for most of it, but we need as a community need to come up with the difference. That’s about $300.

Look for a jar at our Fourth of July party and you can put a donation right in there. We’re hoping we get enough financial support on July 4th to pay our part, so please do your part! Just think of the bench as it is now, with its splinters and broken concrete base and too-tall seating area. Then think of having a newly installed sparkling new bench, and you’ll feel good about putting your money in that jar.

Also, the bench will have a place for an inscription on its back, indicating its from the City of Arvada and Meadowglen Residents. We’d like to add some words of inspiration to that plaque. What are your thoughts about what those words should be? There will be paper and pens next to the jar for you to write your suggestions. You may also submit your inscription ideas online. The Beautification Committee will select the best of those and we’ll have a vote as a community about what should be written on the bench.

Thanks for your support!

Your Beautification Committee

Categories: Uncategorized


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