Pool Update 7/9/2020

Published by arifeldman on

The pool has officially been open for a week and so far everything is going pretty well! We have received lots of feedback from homeowners on the reservation system, the cleaners, the policies, and general operations. The check-in and cleaning crew has been doing a great job and we’re really pleased on how everyone is taking some personal accountability at the pool. We wanted to touch base now with a few reminders and an update.

The first reminder is about the mask policy. To comply with the State Guidelines, we are continuing to require masks to be worn on entry and exit. While this is a brief period for entry and exit, you have to remember that people are in closer contact when everyone is trying to check in and out. Plus, it helps protect the check-in crew. This is a simple and painless ask, and it helps us keep compliant with the rules. Thank you for your cooperation.

The second reminder is that the pool slot is 2 hours in length. Please start exiting the water and packing up your stuff with a 10 minute margin. This will ensure that you can clean your pool furniture and exit before the next block begins. We cannot have people overstay their 2 hours as it may impinge on our limited capacity at the pool. If you’d like to stay longer, check the reservation system, and if there is availability you may book the next block. Just make sure to let the check-in crew know you were able to do that.

The last reminder is to stay vigilant on your social distancing. Everyone has different comfort levels and while you may feel more comfortable in close contact with some neighbors, others may perceive that social distancing policies are not being followed. Please use the markings on the pool deck to make sure furniture stays out of the taped off zones, and use the markings at the pool edge when you’re in the pool to ensure you are 6 ft apart. Again, thank you for your cooperation.

The update we have is regarding the guest policy. Looking back at the usage over the first week (which includes the July 4th weekend), we only had 2 blocks that were truly at capacity (near 50 reservations) and both of those occurred on the 4th. There was increased usage on the observed holiday 7/3 as well as on Sunday 7/5. For all of the other weekday visits, there was generally plenty of capacity for more people. So, starting 7/10, you may bring up to 2 guests per household Monday through Friday only. No guests on the weekend (for now). Please book these guests by adding them as family members on the reservation system. All guest must be named for the check-in crew as well. Homeowners are responsible for all guest behavior. If you or your guests do not follow either the regular or COVID rules, you may lose pool privileges.

Lastly, if you experience any key card trouble during your lap swim time, please call/text/email Ari Feldman (303-900-2746, arifeldman@meadowglen-hoa.com). With our new system most of the cards need to be updated, and we only discovered that once people started to key in. One benefit of the new system is that we can remotely unlock the gates if you do have trouble. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience, but bear with us as we get the new system up and running.

Stay safe out there!

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