Pool Update 7/26/20

Published by mgladmin on

Meadowglen truly is a pool community and I feel really fortunate that we were able to make it happen this summer among all of the craziness in the world. It has been a joy seeing many of you around the pool over the last month and catching up. Overall, the operation of the pool has been going… swimmingly. The cleaners and check-in staff are providing our required cleaning and reminding people of the COVID rules on entry. I also do not know of a single issue that has arisen not having the lifeguards on site either. Thank you all for taking on some personal responsibility while at the pool and honoring the rules that keep us all safe. I do want to provide some updates and send a reminder of some rules.

First, the Jefferson County Public Health department issued Order 20-008 on 7/24 which requires people to wear masks or face coverings indoors and outdoors when unable to maintain 6 ft social distancing. This is especially important to remember when entering the pool facility through our common gate, when traversing the pool deck, and when inside the bathrooms. Thank you for your compliance.

Second, after analyzing the pool usage since we started allowing guests on 7/11, the Board feels comfortable increasing the guest policy to allow up to 4 guests per home per reservation block during the week. The high demand blocks of time on the weekend (12-2, 2-4 PM) have been at capacity, so we’d prefer to restrict the weekends to just homeowner access for now. During the week however, if you’d like to bring 2 guests per homeowner (our normal guest policy), up to a maximum of 4 guests, that is permitted starting Monday 7/27. You must accompany your guests as they are your responsibility. Any violation of this guest policy may result in losing pool access.

Third, with COVID cases at near peak levels in Colorado we must stay vigilant to keep our community safe. Make sure to wash your hands before and after coming to the pool. While the chlorine will kill everything in the pool, you are still human and touch many things while traveling to and from the pool. We must also prepare for any changes to local policies. Should the Governor take actions that affect our community and pool operations, the Board will follow State guidelines and communicate the plan to you.

Lastly, a reminder of some rules that will keep us all safe and the pool operating smoothly:

  • The disinfectant spray bottles are there for you to spray down the furniture you used. We have plenty of disinfectant, so don’t be shy. If your bottle is running low the cleaners will refill it.
  • Start packing up with 10 minutes to spare. When you take extra time to leave it prevents the next group of people to enter on time, cutting their time short.
  • Don’t book back-to-back blocks in advance. Yes, this is possible in the reservation system, but don’t be selfish. The reason this is possible is to allow you to book the next block if you are there for your time and would like to stay longer. If there is capacity in the next block, feel free to stay longer, but you must reserve the slot and check-in with the staff to let them know. Booking multiple blocks in advance may prevent others from accessing the pool at all. We have limited capacity and people have varying schedules, so lets be civil.
  • Cancel your reservation if you can’t make it. Others may want to be there at the time you have booked, especially for a high demand blocks. Please be considerate.
  • Throw away all of your trash/recycling on the way out. To limit movement on the pool deck, keep your trash with your stuff and dump everything on your way out.
  • Do not share pool toys or food with others. As neighborly as you’d like to be, the CDC discourages sharing anything with anyone outside of your group.

Breaking any of our normal rules, or our COVID rules, exposes you and our HOA to unnecessary risk. The Board stuck their necks out to make our pool season happen, so please respect the rules that are in place to keep people safe and protect our common resources so members of our community can use it as safely as possible.

As always, your feedback is appreciated and carefully considered. Feel free to email me at arifeldman@meadowglen-hoa.com.


Ari Feldman
Meadowglen HOA

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