Parking on the islands in W. 80th Drive cul de sacs prohibited

Published by mgladmin on

Cul de sacs in the City of Arvada require 20 feet of roadway clearance for emergency vehicle access. When Meadowglen was designed 44 years ago, this requirement was included in the neighborhood design. There are many cul de sacs throughout Meadowglen, but there are three small ones along W. 80th Drive with islands (median) in the middle. Parking on those islands will soon be prohibited, as parking of vehicles on the island and on the curb in front of the houses does not allow 20 feet of required roadway clearance.

Residents WILL be permitted to park in front of their house, as long as the size of the vehicle does not impose on the 20 foot roadway clearance, but parking will no longer be permitted on the islands. The City will be placing No Parking signs on the islands to ensure the 20 foot safety clearance is maintained. Postcards announcing the decision were mailed to affected homeowners last week. Residents in those cul de sacs have expressed mixed responses to the announcement. While recognizing the safety aspect of the decision is important, some residents have expressed concerns about the “commercial” unsightliness of the no parking signs.

Those who wish to express their concerns to the City of Arvada may do so by contacting Derek Fern at or 720-898-7748.

Categories: Uncategorized


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