Meadowglen COVID-19 Measures

Published by arifeldman on

As the world, the country, and our State of Colorado take steps to stop the spread COVID-19, we must consider activities within Meadowglen. The Board is committed the health and safety of our residents. With that in mind the Board has decided to take measures to restrict gatherings in Meadowglen. We also recognize the impact that this big virus is having on our economy and workforce.

The March Board meeting was cancelled at the last minute, and we apologize for that. We’re adjusting plans as quickly as the guidance changes. As of now, the April ARC and Board meetings will be cancelled as well. If major decisions must be voted on, we are looking into video conference options so that residents can participate. The Board did meet via video conference to discuss how to address the CDC guidance within Meadowglen and we came up with the following actions.

Effective immediately, no events may be scheduled at the clubhouse and existing events will be cancelled through April. While the CDC guidance suggests gatherings of less that 10 people, the virus can live for days on hard surfaces and we cannot ensure proper disinfecting between uses. The Board does hire a cleaner after large social events, but that is unsustainable for individual events. Therefore we feel it would be irresponsible to allow social gatherings at our common facility at this time.

The social events in April, Teen Night and Spring Fling, are cancelled. These events would be at the clubhouse which we have closed for events. Likewise, it would go against guidance to host these events for the community. We realize that these events are good outlets for the kids, and we hope you all are able to celebrate individually. Additionally, the Meadowglen Annual Cleanup that was scheduled on 4/18 is also cancelled. Please be on the lookout for another article detailing how you can individually help keep Meadowglen clean.

Lastly, we have opted to cancel the ARC Spring Walkthrough. While this isn’t a social event, nor hosted at the clubhouse, we felt that the Coronavirus is taking a significant toll on our economy. We don’t know your specific situations, but during this time of financial unrest, it feels especially damaging to our community to ask for major repairs at this time. While the majority of the Spring Walkthrough items are typically minor, we think we can skip this year without allowing the beauty of our neighborhood to slip. If you have previous unresolved violations and feel that you are now financially unable to come into compliance on your original timeline, the Board will work with you to identify a new timeline (please email Lewis and the Board). We are committed to keeping Meadowglen beautiful and will continue to enforce the ARC Design Guidelines. Our MSI manager is still making weekly inspections and will report any violations.

If you have any questions or comments about these measures, please email Lewis Moses ( at MSI or Ari Feldman ( Stay safe and healthy out there!

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