Meadowglen Clubhouse Update

Published by mgladmin on

As you have probably seen, the Meadowglen clubhouse basement bathrooms are closed, and the upstairs has been closed since last year. With that in mind, there have been many questions about the status and events that have occurred.

Clubhouse Basement

Back at the end of March, Board members discovered that there was a considerable plumbing leak in the basement causing considerable damage to the plumbing, walls, bathrooms, and water heater. With the clubhouse closed to rentals, nobody was routinely using the clubhouse and starting in mid-February a leak presented (possibly due to the cold snap). A whopping 4,976,000 gallons spilled and went down the drain in the pool utility room. The lip of the drain is at 4″, so the rest of clubhouse had water in contact with the drywall throughout. The water soaked the drywall causing damage throughout the basement including the bathrooms. In total we anticipate the insurance claim to be over $50,000 (water bill and restoration).

To repair the clubhouse, we have been working with Restoration Experts. They quickly got in there to repair the plumbing so the pool season could continue, but getting the rest restored has been quite a journey. In changing management companies a ball was dropped getting information to the insurance adjuster, so we’ve been in a holding pattern on getting the repairs initiated. At this point, because there will need to be demolition, we will hold off until the pool season is over so that bare feet are not hurt with debris. So, expect port-o-lets to be present through the pool season. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Clubhouse Upstairs

The clubhouse was closed through the COVID pandemic, but as everything opened up we started planning updates per our 20 year reserve plan. While an exact date for the clubhouse opening is yet to be determined, we are excited to let you know that the next time you use it, it will have a fresh, new look! Based on feedback from the community and observations regarding how the clubhouse is being used, the old heavy couches and tables will be replaced with furniture that will be easier to arrange for your particular celebration. There are also plans for new appliances.

Stay tuned for updates regarding when the clubhouse reservation system and how to access the reservation system once all systems are go!

Thanks for your patience while we work through the logistics on both the basement and upstairs at the clubhouse!

Categories: Uncategorized


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