Happening in Meadowglen – July 2023

Help Keep the Pool Safe for Everyone!

So far, the 2023 pool season has been great–in spite of the strangely cool weather! That being said, the BOD has received feedback from pool staff that some pool users, adults AND youth, ignore or challenge the guards when they are enforcing pool safety rules.

Please remember, lifeguards are present at the pool to ensure the safety of all pool users. Please show respect for the lifeguards and follow pool rules. Model safe pool practices and remind your children to do so as well. Thanks for helping keep the Meadowglen pool safe for everyone. For additional pool information, including pool hours, access, guest policy, times of unavailability and pool rules, visit meadowglen-hoa.com/meadowglen-pool-rules/.

Halloween Event Coordinator Needed!

Do you enjoy attending social events in Meadowglen? This 44-year tradition has been successful because of community volunteers willing to 

  1. Coordinate one (or more) of the events


  1. Lend a hand at one of the events

The next Meadowglen annual event on the schedule is the Halloween Event, traditionally held the Friday or Saturday before Halloween. As of right now, we do not have anyone signed up to coordinate it. Remember, the event can only be held if someone volunteers to coordinate it. If you are interested in coordinating the Halloween event, please email the Board at bod@meadowglen-hoa.com. Thank you for helping keep the tradition going!

Spring Walk-Through Process Improvement: Community Feedback Wanted

The Board is asking for Meadowglen residents to provide input on the Spring Walk-Through Process. This is a 40-year-old process that we recognize should be modified to reflect the age of the community and the needs of our residents. We recognize that for many, 120 days is not enough to save, plan, and execute a major home upgrade. Our goal is to update the process to ensure it is:

1. Fair/consistent

2. Transparent

3. Reasonable/realistic

We are asking for volunteers to be part of a short-term committee (potentially to meet for a couple of hours a few times during the summer/early fall) to brainstorm and provide recommendations to the BOD for implementation for the 2024 Spring Walk-Through.

The first meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., Monday, July 17, at the clubhouse. Please feel free to join us and bring productive ideas to the table! 

Update Your HOA Dues Amount

There are several Meadowglen residents whose automatic payments have not been updated to reflect the 2023 increase ($4 monthly) from $88 to $92. To avoid any issues, please verify that you have designated the correct dues amount of $92 monthly by visiting AdvancedHoa.com.


CALL Client Services at 303-482-2213 (we have heard from homeowners that this option is easier to navigate).

Food Truck Fridays

Meadowglen resident Laura Thompson has organized food trucks to be present in the clubhouse parking lot every other Friday through the summer! The next food truck Fridays are scheduled for July 21 and August 4 & 18. Information about which food trucks will show up will be posted on the Meadowglen Facebook Group

City of Arvada Bulky Item Drop Off Event – August 19 (date correction from July Meadowgram)

The City’s third and final bulky item drop-off event for 2023 will be held at the North Area Athletic Complex (19500 W. 64th Pkwy.) on Saturday, August 19, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is n charge to participate. Please find details at ArvadaCO.gov/bulky-item-drop-off-events

Park Bench Update

Last summer the Meadowglen Beautification Committee received a Neighborhood Improvement grant from the City of Arvada to replace the park bench located at the southeast corner of Pomona Lake. To cover additional costs not covered by the grant, we fundraised at the 2022 4th of July party. Many of you have noticed that the old bench has been removed and a new concrete pad installed. The City’s parks maintenance team is awaiting the delivery of the new park bench and will let us know when it is scheduled for installation. We are planning to host an event to commemorate the installation and will provide updates via eblast, NextDoor and Meadowglen’s Facebook page.