Correction to “New Management Article in Meadowgram”

Published by arifeldman on

In the following article we stated that “No action is required on your part”, however the original intent on that statement was that no action is required to transfer your information or records to Advance HOA. Homeowners will however need to setup an online account and setup your payment information with Advance HOA, per their mailing.

New Management Company – Starting 5/1/21

As you may have heard, after 41 years the Meadowglen Board has chosen to leave Management Specialists Inc.  Starting May 1, Meadowglen will be managed by Advanced HOA. MSI and Advanced HOA have already been working hard to transfer your information, records, prepaid assessments, etc. No action is required on your part. You should soon start seeing communications from Advanced HOA regarding the change. Around mid-April you will receive a welcome letter, payment instructions, and contact info sheets. We think you will be impressed with Advanced HOA and look forward to your feedback. If you have any questions about the change in management or the change process, please feel free to contact Ari Feldman ( or 303-900-2746) or any Board member.

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