Concrete Replacement along Pomona Lake and Little Dry Creek Trail – Nov 4-11

Published by mgladmin on

The City of Arvada Parks Maintenance crew has notified the Board that beginning Wednesday, Nov. 4 (weather permitting), the City’s contractor will be performing concrete replacement on the trail along the east side of Pomona Lake and down Little Dry Creek Trail east to Pomona Drive. During the concrete replacement project, Little Dry Creek Trail will be closed to all pedestrian/bicycle traffic from Pomona Drive to the concrete bridge located at Estes St, and the trail along the east and north sides of the lake all the way to the clubhouse will be closed. This closure includes the cut-throughs between the trails and 81st Drive. Pedestrian/bicycle traffic will be detoured on the south to the sidewalk on W. 80th Avenue and to the north on the sidewalk along W. 81st Drive. The attached map shows the open trails depicted in green and closed trail sections depicted in red. Signs will be posted in advance. Construction is anticipated to take up to one week (weather permitting). Please avoid the construction areas during the project and until signs/barriers have been removed.

Please also stay tuned for an exciting announcement regarding upcoming improvements to the Pomona Lake north shore over the winter and spring.

If you have questions/concerns, contact me at

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