Check out your Board at work!

Published by mgladmin on

The Board and some neighbors met this morning to replace the aging and rotted timbers around the playground. The intent was to replace at least the top row of timbers to improve the stability and safety of the playground. The Board removed and replaced the entire south wall that had bulged over 40 years of pressure from gravel and wood chips.

We had received bids to replace both the top row and 3 levels of the wall that varied between $2200 and $5100. For $650 and some labor from your board, we feel good that the playground is safer and we saved the community about $3000!

If you’d like some used timbers for your yard, please come get them ASAP from next to the tennis courts. No promises on quality and longevity. Also beware of hard to pull spikes!

Big thanks to the Board, David Sands and Joe Demers from the ARC, and former Board Presidents Jason Zack and Karl Ohlsen!

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