Food Trucks in Meadowglen

With nearly everything cancelled this summer, food trucks seem like a great way to bring that restaurant experience to you. While the Board would like to help with this effort, we cannot endorse any company directly. So, each truck must be coordinated by homeowners directly. We would like to request that if you are coordinating with a food truck that you help Meadowglen stay safe by adhering the following guidelines:

  1. Ensure that the company follows proper COVID safety guidelines (require masks, ensure customers stand 6 ft apart, clean the point of sale after each customer, etc). If possible, online orders limit the density of customers as well.
  2. Please request that they park around the clubhouse corner and not in the clubhouse lot
  3. Advertise on Nextdoor and the Meadowglen Facebook group only
  4. Try to not book trucks simultaneously as others

2020 Pool Status (Update 5/11)

Hi Everyone,

With the Governor’s Safer-at-Home order and some businesses opening up, we are all curious what that means for our own community. The Meadowglen Board of Directors has opted to follow the Apex Park and Recreation District’s lead with regards to pool operations. We also have to work with our pool management company (Absolute Pool Management or APM) who must follow restrictions and guidelines set forth by the State. There were 2 communications that you should be aware of:

The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Water Water Quality Control Division recently stated:

All swimming pools, both indoor and outdoor, should remain closed to protect public health. This includes HOA pools, water parks, hot springs, hotel pools and other similar pool facilities. 

More information about the Safe at Home order can be found at the state COVID-19 webpage and a frequently asked questions document

Continue Routine Maintenance
Even though pools may remain closed at this time, it is important to continue routine maintenance to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases once the orders are lifted and pools can be opened to the public. The Pool and Hot Tub Alliance shared guidance on their webpage

We are optimistic that they are encouraging continued maintenance for eventual opening!

Furthermore, APM communicated to us directly that they cannot open any time before 5/27 and if they are asked to stop work they cannot guarantee continuity of pool operations.

If you have been near the pool lately, APM has prepared the pool so that if we are able to open, we are ready immediately. I will say that it looks quite enticing, but we ask for your patience. Please do not try to enter the pool or pool area. Any unsanctioned access may threaten our ability to open the pool this season.

We are hoping that we will open the pool at some point, but when and what that looks like is still “To Be Determined”. Do we need to limit the number of users? limit time per use? etc. We want to make sure that if we open that we operate as safely as possible. For now, we will plan on no pool until 5/27 at the earliest. But again, we will follow Apex’s lead, who is subsequently following State and CDC guidance. If Apex chooses not to open, or chooses to limit participation, we will also adopt those guidelines. As we know more, we’ll be sure to communicate it to you.

Pinwheel Thanks!

In spite of not being able to have a Spring Fling this year, Meadowglen was still able to raise over $350 for Ralston House. Thanks to all for your generosity. Your support is needed now more than ever. May the spinning pinwheels bring some hope and healing to us all.
Thanks again,

Ann DeMers

Meadowglen Fishing Clinic 2020

Update: If the signup is full, please contact Brandon directly at 303-463-8791

Howdy neighbors!
Are you looking for a fun activity for you and/or your kids? Well, one of our residents (Brandon Marette) has been working with Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) to lead an informal fishing clinic at our Pomona Lake this Saturday morning (5/16) near the Clubhouse (see below weblink for sign-up times). This is a great opportunity for really young kids (or even older kids to older adults) to get a free CPW fishing pole and learn the basics of fishing. 
Since we’re all protecting each other during this COVID period, we’re spacing out the attendees every 1/2 hour so they can rotate through 3 stations, with the last station being actual fishing at our lake (which is supposed to be stocked with rainbow trout late this week). So please sign up ASAP – one slot per family, and please indicate how many poles you’ll need (mom and/or dad can get one too).

CPW will provide:

  • One fishing pole per person
  • Hooks, weights, & some bait. 
  • One fishing regulations brochure
  • Training

You should bring the following:

  • If you are going to fish, and you are >16 years old, you will need a fishing license. Go on-line to to purchase it. It should take less than 1/2 hour. 
    • A one-day fishing license is $14, an annual fishing license is $36, and an extra rod stamp (if you want to fish with 2 poles per person) is $11. Note, each license will have some add-on costs (~$10) for a Habitat Stamp & Search/Rescue Fund.
    • NOTICE: due to COVID-19, mailing of licenses, passes, and permits will be delayed. However, print off and carry your TAN (Temporary Authorization Number) with you this weekend, as it acts as your temporary fishing license.
  • Your own bait if we run out. We’d recommend either digging up worms from your garden or buying some from Big 5. Also, power bait and/or salmon eggs would be another option to consider.
  • Needle-nose pliers (to remove the hook from the fish).
  • Masks – for the training, and then you can remove if you want and if you are not close to other families around the lake.  
  • Fleece or windbreaker (the high is supposed to be 66, cloudy, and it may be breezy)
  • Folding chair 
  • Snack & water 
  • Camera – to record photos/videos of a fun, family adventure!

If you have questions, feel free to call Brandon at 303-463-8791, as we hope many of you can participate in this one-time event. 

Sign up using this link:

Ari Feldman 
HOA President

Meadowglen COVID Update #2

During these uncertain times, Meadowglen is continuing to shine and be the type of community we are all proud to be a part of.  We are aware of several neighborly events that have happened which make use happy and we thought we would share.  We have heard of positive messages written in sidewalk chalk encouraging safety and good spirits, a Teddy Bear hunt ( put a Teddy bear in your window to make it fun for families out enjoying walks), a wedding dress event where Meadowglen women busted out their gowns and met (6 feet apart) along the lake and celebrated with a cocktail, and even a visit from The Easter Bunny!  He made a trip around in the back of a pick up truck giving joy to young families and handed out candy!  Several people have asked if neighbors need anything or someone to run errands for them and we are truly becoming a tighter knit community!

Some unpleasant items we need to share:  We would like to remind folks that the May Annual Garage Sale will not take place as usual, we may possibly be able to do it later in the summer.

As for the opening of the pool, as you can tell we have proceeded with filling the pool and getting it ready, but we will be following The City and the Apex PRD for direction and guidelines once they receive it from the Governor.  We expect this information to come near the end of April.  We know many of you are concerned with the 4th of July party or what our pool will be looking like this year?  We are in the beginning stages of seeing how what our new normal might look like and how we may get to use this beautiful amenity in our community.  There could possibly be a limited number of people allowed to gather and we can’t be certain how long this will last.  Everything is up in the air, but we are almost certain this 4th of July will not look like what it has in the past.  Even if we were to have the party, the number of attendees may be low due to social concerns. Whatever it is, please know we are all in this together and we will be sharing information as soon as we get it.

We know we are not all in the same boat, but we are in the same storm!

Keep an eye on one another and continue to to make Meadowglen proud!

Meadowglen Clean-Up

Hello Meadowgleners! I hope this finds you all healthy and doing well. Usually this message would be talking about how we’d handle the snow for our annual Meadowglen Clean-Up Day, which had been scheduled for this Saturday, April 18th. But, this year is different, with us all socially distancing from each other. So, we won’t get together to gather litter from our common areas, but I’m encouraging each of us to do our part to keep our grounds clean.

As a subdivision we adopted Little Dry Creek Trail from Pomona Dr to Club Crest. On our clean-up days we get trash from our grounds around the clubhouse and pool, along the length of our adopted train, from the bushy areas along the creek, and even the expanse of grassy area at 80th and Pomona. This year we seem to have an unusual amount of litter, probably because so many of us have been outdoors in our neighborhood for fresh air and exercise. Use whatever precautions make sense to you, but let’s all chip in to keep our grounds free of trash! Earth Day is April 22. That is a day to focus our efforts around, but picking up litter is something we can do all year.

Your Beautification Committee

Meadowglen COVID-19 Measures

As the world, the country, and our State of Colorado take steps to stop the spread COVID-19, we must consider activities within Meadowglen. The Board is committed the health and safety of our residents. With that in mind the Board has decided to take measures to restrict gatherings in Meadowglen. We also recognize the impact that this big virus is having on our economy and workforce.

The March Board meeting was cancelled at the last minute, and we apologize for that. We’re adjusting plans as quickly as the guidance changes. As of now, the April ARC and Board meetings will be cancelled as well. If major decisions must be voted on, we are looking into video conference options so that residents can participate. The Board did meet via video conference to discuss how to address the CDC guidance within Meadowglen and we came up with the following actions.

Effective immediately, no events may be scheduled at the clubhouse and existing events will be cancelled through April. While the CDC guidance suggests gatherings of less that 10 people, the virus can live for days on hard surfaces and we cannot ensure proper disinfecting between uses. The Board does hire a cleaner after large social events, but that is unsustainable for individual events. Therefore we feel it would be irresponsible to allow social gatherings at our common facility at this time.

The social events in April, Teen Night and Spring Fling, are cancelled. These events would be at the clubhouse which we have closed for events. Likewise, it would go against guidance to host these events for the community. We realize that these events are good outlets for the kids, and we hope you all are able to celebrate individually. Additionally, the Meadowglen Annual Cleanup that was scheduled on 4/18 is also cancelled. Please be on the lookout for another article detailing how you can individually help keep Meadowglen clean.

Lastly, we have opted to cancel the ARC Spring Walkthrough. While this isn’t a social event, nor hosted at the clubhouse, we felt that the Coronavirus is taking a significant toll on our economy. We don’t know your specific situations, but during this time of financial unrest, it feels especially damaging to our community to ask for major repairs at this time. While the majority of the Spring Walkthrough items are typically minor, we think we can skip this year without allowing the beauty of our neighborhood to slip. If you have previous unresolved violations and feel that you are now financially unable to come into compliance on your original timeline, the Board will work with you to identify a new timeline (please email Lewis and the Board). We are committed to keeping Meadowglen beautiful and will continue to enforce the ARC Design Guidelines. Our MSI manager is still making weekly inspections and will report any violations.

If you have any questions or comments about these measures, please email Lewis Moses ( at MSI or Ari Feldman ( Stay safe and healthy out there!

Saturday, April 18 is the day for our annual Meadowglen Clean-Up!

Everyone is invited to meet at the clubhouse at 9:00. Wear old clothes and work gloves, and hope for decent weather. This is the day residents of all ages get together to pick up trash in our common areas. Actually, there isn’t much litter anymore so the job doesn’t take too long. Then we all meet afterwards for coffee, juice, treats and chatting. Come join us!

– Your Beautification Committee 

March 2020 Update on Meadowglen’s Lake Project

The Beautification Committee has been considering the north slope of our Pomona Lake. We hired a landscape architect, Bruce Kehr of Sunlit Designs, LLC, and he developed a proposal for us. The committee and Bruce went to a meeting of the Arvada Park Advisory Committee, and presented our ideas to them. Our presentation seemed well-received and we will hear more from that advisory committee after their March meeting, as to how to best proceed. A copy of the presentation can be found here.

Our intent is to work collaboratively with the City of Arvada, who owns and maintains the north slope. We want to make sure the city knows the lake and its shores are important to us, that we would like more vegetation for beauty and for the wildlife. We also want to make sure they know we continue to be a community that is happy and willing to help out – perhaps with our labor, perhaps with some funds, perhaps by applying for some grants.

It’s our hope we’ll get support from the City for some changes for our bare north shore! We’ll keep you informed as we learn more. Please check out the link to see out proposal to the Arvada Park Advisory Committee (APAC).  

–Your Beautification Committee

We need you!

The Board is currently short 1 position and the ARC is missing a couple as well. These positions are a great way to give back to your community.

The level of effort for the Board position is typically a handful of emails a month and participation at the monthly board meeting (approx 2 hours). The level of effort for the ARC is reviewing a few DRRs a month and talking about them at the monthly meeting (approx 1 hour). These estimates vary month to month (especially for the ARC during the spring walkthrough), but overall it’s not a huge commitment and is very rewarding.

Your input is key to making our community a success. If you are at all interested, please email Lewis Moses at to get an application. We look forward to hearing from you!