Boats on Pomona Lake/Swimming in Pomona Lake

Published by mgladmin on

Being cooped up in and around the house has everyone looking for creative ways to recreate. Everyone understands that; however, that fact does not mean that safety or City ordinances can be overlooked. It has been reported that people are taking to the lake for boating, paddleboarding and, yes, even swimming.

First it is important to remember that boating on Pomona Lake is prohibited by City ordinance (this includes paddleboards). Putting boats in Pomona Lake (and any lake/pond in Arvada) can potentially introduce organisms into the lake and into the waterways via Little Dry Creek. There are only two lakes in Arvada that allow boating: Arvada Reservoir and Lake Arbor, and both require boat inspections for use.

Second, swimming in Pomona Lake is not only prohibited, it IS NOT SAFE. Signs along the lake saying No Swimming are posted because, in addition to E.coli, blue-green algae is common in shallow or slow-moving water, such as in lakes and ponds, and hot weather can create perfect conditions for algae to grow quickly and form a bloom. Certain types of blue-green algae can produce toxins that can be harmful to humans and other animals that come into contact with the water. Please stay out of the water and keep your pets out of the water too. For more information, go to or


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