Chalk Art Festival 6/13 & 6/14

What: Meadowglen driveway chalk art festival

When: weekend of June 13/14th

Contest for all ages! Decorate your driveway with your chalk art.  Write your house number on the driveway so people can use your house number to vote for their favorite.  Have your driveway chalk art completed by 5pm on Saturday June 13th.

If you’d like to register for the compe

tition, email your address and a picture of your art to by 6 pm on 6/13. Then take a stroll through the neighborhood on Saturday evening to Sunday morning and check out the beautiful art pieces from your neighbors.  Take note of your favorites and head to Meadowglen’s Website ( to vote for your 3 favorites. Voting will go live at 9 am on Sunday morning and every person can vote for their top 3!

Fishing Clinic recap

On May 16TH the fishing clinic put on by Meadowglen’s finest, Brandon Marrette from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, was a great success.  The Department of Fish and Wildlilfe stocked our lake with 153 rainbow trout and about 1000 small bluegill, and later this summer it will be stocked again with bass.  The clinic had a total of 127 people made up of 58 kids and 69 adults, most of them had little or no fishing experience.  While maintaining social distancing, the presentations were staggered and Brandon probably repeated his education about 15 times, but it was very informative!  Overall it was a beautiful day to get out around our lake and learn something new!

The Department of Fish and Wildlife gave out 100 rods to the crew, so that was exciting for the kids to be able to take home their own poles.  The board donated some funds for bait, hooks and bobbers.  The only bummer was that only 4 fish were caught during the day (2 bass, 1 trout and 1 carp). Attached is a photo of a bass that was caught by this 1st grader who casted and reeled it in all by himself!

A big thank you to Brandon for volunteering his time and family to h

elp educate our community about fishing and wildlife.

If you would be interested in other clinics like this you can check out the link below:

Boats on Pomona Lake/Swimming in Pomona Lake

Being cooped up in and around the house has everyone looking for creative ways to recreate. Everyone understands that; however, that fact does not mean that safety or City ordinances can be overlooked. It has been reported that people are taking to the lake for boating, paddleboarding and, yes, even swimming.

First it is important to remember that boating on Pomona Lake is prohibited by City ordinance (this includes paddleboards). Putting boats in Pomona Lake (and any lake/pond in Arvada) can potentially introduce organisms into the lake and into the waterways via Little Dry Creek. There are only two lakes in Arvada that allow boating: Arvada Reservoir and Lake Arbor, and both require boat inspections for use.

Second, swimming in Pomona Lake is not only prohibited, it IS NOT SAFE. Signs along the lake saying No Swimming are posted because, in addition to E.coli, blue-green algae is common in shallow or slow-moving water, such as in lakes and ponds, and hot weather can create perfect conditions for algae to grow quickly and form a bloom. Certain types of blue-green algae can produce toxins that can be harmful to humans and other animals that come into contact with the water. Please stay out of the water and keep your pets out of the water too. For more information, go to or


Trail Use Around Pomona Lake: Use Them Smartly and Safely

It has come to the attention of the Board that there are some competing points of view regarding trail use on the north side of Pomona Lake. There are those who would like to see the trail width expanded to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians, and there are those who, for safety issues, would prefer the north trail be restricted solely to pedestrian use.

It is important to note that prior to the City replacing the trail four years ago, they held several community engagement opportunities both at the clubhouse and via surveys to determine the community’s preferences for trail materials and width.  It was determined the 4-foot concrete trail would be the best compromise for the community’s use and would accommodate pedestrians, wheelchairs, strollers, children on trikes and dogs on leashes comfortably and safely. And since the south trail is much wider, as are the footpaths alongside it, cyclists would also easily be accommodated there. 

With the safer at home orders keeping people closer to home, our trails on both the south and north sides of Pomona Lake are busier than ever these days. And with social distancing an important aspect of keeping us all safe, it is more important than ever that we use the trails smartly and safely. While cycling on the north trail is not prohibited by City ordinance, it is recommended that cyclists utilize the much wider south trail for cycling. If you need to ride your bike on the north trail, it is recommended that you get off your bike and walk it if there are any pedestrians present on the trail. Trail etiquette on ALL trails always calls for cyclists to move off the path and yield to pedestrians. Getting off the bike and standing to the side is the best way to avoid someone getting injured in a collision.

Please, everyone, have patience and grant grace to your neighbors during this challenging time. If you can avoid riding a bike on the north side of the trail, please do so. If you cannot, then please step off your bike and move to the side when pedestrians are present. Use the trails smartly and safely for everyone’s sake. Thank you!

Food Trucks in Meadowglen

With nearly everything cancelled this summer, food trucks seem like a great way to bring that restaurant experience to you. While the Board would like to help with this effort, we cannot endorse any company directly. So, each truck must be coordinated by homeowners directly. We would like to request that if you are coordinating with a food truck that you help Meadowglen stay safe by adhering the following guidelines:

  1. Ensure that the company follows proper COVID safety guidelines (require masks, ensure customers stand 6 ft apart, clean the point of sale after each customer, etc). If possible, online orders limit the density of customers as well.
  2. Please request that they park around the clubhouse corner and not in the clubhouse lot
  3. Advertise on Nextdoor and the Meadowglen Facebook group only
  4. Try to not book trucks simultaneously as others

Saturday, April 18 is the day for our annual Meadowglen Clean-Up!

Everyone is invited to meet at the clubhouse at 9:00. Wear old clothes and work gloves, and hope for decent weather. This is the day residents of all ages get together to pick up trash in our common areas. Actually, there isn’t much litter anymore so the job doesn’t take too long. Then we all meet afterwards for coffee, juice, treats and chatting. Come join us!

– Your Beautification Committee 

March 2020 Update on Meadowglen’s Lake Project

The Beautification Committee has been considering the north slope of our Pomona Lake. We hired a landscape architect, Bruce Kehr of Sunlit Designs, LLC, and he developed a proposal for us. The committee and Bruce went to a meeting of the Arvada Park Advisory Committee, and presented our ideas to them. Our presentation seemed well-received and we will hear more from that advisory committee after their March meeting, as to how to best proceed. A copy of the presentation can be found here.

Our intent is to work collaboratively with the City of Arvada, who owns and maintains the north slope. We want to make sure the city knows the lake and its shores are important to us, that we would like more vegetation for beauty and for the wildlife. We also want to make sure they know we continue to be a community that is happy and willing to help out – perhaps with our labor, perhaps with some funds, perhaps by applying for some grants.

It’s our hope we’ll get support from the City for some changes for our bare north shore! We’ll keep you informed as we learn more. Please check out the link to see out proposal to the Arvada Park Advisory Committee (APAC).  

–Your Beautification Committee

We need you!

The Board is currently short 1 position and the ARC is missing a couple as well. These positions are a great way to give back to your community.

The level of effort for the Board position is typically a handful of emails a month and participation at the monthly board meeting (approx 2 hours). The level of effort for the ARC is reviewing a few DRRs a month and talking about them at the monthly meeting (approx 1 hour). These estimates vary month to month (especially for the ARC during the spring walkthrough), but overall it’s not a huge commitment and is very rewarding.

Your input is key to making our community a success. If you are at all interested, please email Lewis Moses at to get an application. We look forward to hearing from you!

2020 Annual Clean-up

Save the date! Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 18, 2020. That will be the day of our annual Meadowglen community clean-up. We’ll meet at 9:00 at the clubhouse, spend some time gathering litter from our common areas, and then get back together for tasty treats. All are welcome! More details next month.
– Your Beautification Committee

Teen night 2/7/20

Join us tomorrow night, Friday February 7 from 6 to 8:30PM, for our first teen night at the Meadowglen clubhouse.  Send your teens ages 12, 13, 14 or 15 only for games, pizza, snacks and a movie!

We are very excited to provide something fun for this age group in the neighborhood. Kids are welcome to bring a friend and there is no need to RSVP.

If you are a parent and would like to provide cookies or help chaperone please call or text Natalie Ohlsen at 303-521–4116 See you Friday!