2022 Pool Season

Pool season is finally upon us! I’m not sure about you, but it felt like a really long winter. Opening day for the Meadowglen Pool will Friday May 27, and everything will be back to normal operations. You may see the swim team in the pool ahead of opening day, but this does not mean that you’ll have access. Please refresh yourself on our Pool Rules, particularly the operating hours and guest policy.

Lifeguards will be back this summer and will start on May 28. This means swim at your own risk on opening day. In the fall we surveyed the community if we should retain lifeguard services and the data was split pretty evenly. While some felt that we can monitor ourselves, other felt that having an extra eye out for those in danger was worth the cost. In the end, while still substantial, the Board felt that expense for lifeguards was worth it to minimize accidents. If at any time you feel the lifeguards are inattentive or we are not receiving the service we are paying for, please notify a Board member or our manager.

Access to the pool is handled by our upgraded Brivo access system. If you need a new key card, or would like to request a mobile pass, please use our Key Request Form.

We look forward to seeing you around the pool!

2022 Annual Meadowglen Clean up Recap

We had a sensational turnout of energetic Meadowglen residents, young and old and in between, on Saturday, April 23rd! About fifty people came to pick up litter and spread a truckload of mulch in our flower beds. We had the additional help of about six Arvada firefighters, who joined right in to help out, when they weren’t showing off their trucks and gear to the children. It was heartwarmng and inspiring to see all the activity and camaraderie as we quickly accomplished the work.

As a community, we adopt Little Dry Creek Trail between Club Crest Drive and Pomona Drive. We no longer have organized events to maintain the area, since we do such a fine job with our routine maintenance. It seems we just pick up trash as we see it, which is wonderful, and let’s keep on doing that. On our cleaning day we also gathered litter from the perimeter of our subdivision, along 80th Avenue, Pomona Drive, 81st Place and Club Crest Drive. There was a lot of trash in those areas.

And, several people spent a good deal of effort gathering tree limbs that had been tossed into our common areas. With the threat of potential wildfire, we wanted to clear our areas of possible fuel. That was a lot of work! The City of Arvada is kindly going to pick up that big pile of rubbish, but just this one time! Please let’s all refrain from throwing our tree, brush and yard waste onto our common property. It’s actually against city ordinance and residents can be fined for doing so.

Again, we give a huge thank you to all who came out to help on our Annual Cleaning Day, and also to all who routinely help keep our subdivision clear of trash.

The Board would like to express a special thanks to Cathy Bartle and Debby Porecco for their long-time contributions in planning this annual event and keeping Meadowglen beautiful!

Another Successful Pinwheel Garden!

THANKS MEADOWGLEN for supporting child abuse prevention by hosting a pinwheel garden for Ralston House. Our generous neighborhood donated $740 for 148  pinwheels. That’s a lot of hope and healing! When children and teen victims see the pinwheels, they are reminded that others haven’t forgotten about them, that others are rooting for them to start down the road to recovery, that others are taking steps to stop the abuse. The 1,300 children and teens served at Ralston House in 2021 are only a small number of young people affected by child sexual abuse.

All of Ralston House’s services (interviews, family consultation, medical exams, and court school) are provided to families free of charge. Additionally, trainings are provided to law enforcement, child protection, and the district attorney’s office. Prevention talks are also available upon request, also at no cost. See www.ralstonhouse.net for additional information, prevention tips, or to make a donation.

Feel free to take any pinwheels home. (They’ll be recycled by May 15th.) They are a bit battered by the wind although most are still standing – perhaps like the child and teen victims they are helping. Everyone deserves to grow up in a nurturing environment, free from harm and fear. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!