4/23 – Our Annual Meadowglen Clean-Up Day!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 23, to come pick up litter and spread some mulch! We’ll gather at 9:00 in the clubhouse parking lot, and then head out to clean up our subdivision’s common areas.
We’ll work around the clubhouse, the lake, Little Dry Creek Trail, and the brownbelt along the creek.

With the destruction of the Marshall Fire on our minds, we want to also make sure our grass areas are clear of potential kindling. It seems sometimes residents throw branches and clippings into our
common areas, and there is concern those could be fuel if we are faced with a wildfire. This would be a good time to tend to that!

So, bring your work gloves, tools for gathering trash from the water, wheelbarrows, and shovels. Afterwards we’ll celebrate our accomplishments with coffee, juice and taste treats. And, we’re hoping there will also be an Arvada fire truck – a fun attraction for the kids (and adults).

This is an excellent way to mark Earth Day. Meadowglen has been doing this clean up day for many years now. It’s a great way to come together and do some spring cleaning.

Hope to see you there!
Your Beautification Committee

Spring Fling 2022 – April 9th 2-4 pm

Mark your calendars for April 9th! The Meadowglen Spring Fling is being planned for the afternoon of April 9th  from 2 to 4pm. 

There will be snacks, crafts, sidewalk chalk, an Easter egg hunt, and hopefully the Easter Bunny will make his usual appearance. 

Plan on bringing your kids before the Easter egg hunt to color Easter bags that will be provided to collect the Easter eggs they find. 

Come on out to meet some new neighbors and catch up with ones you haven’t seen in a while!

More details to follow! Cross your fingers for good weather, but we will have the clubhouse as a backup just in case!