Meadowglen COVID Update #2

During these uncertain times, Meadowglen is continuing to shine and be the type of community we are all proud to be a part of.  We are aware of several neighborly events that have happened which make use happy and we thought we would share.  We have heard of positive messages written in sidewalk chalk encouraging safety and good spirits, a Teddy Bear hunt ( put a Teddy bear in your window to make it fun for families out enjoying walks), a wedding dress event where Meadowglen women busted out their gowns and met (6 feet apart) along the lake and celebrated with a cocktail, and even a visit from The Easter Bunny!  He made a trip around in the back of a pick up truck giving joy to young families and handed out candy!  Several people have asked if neighbors need anything or someone to run errands for them and we are truly becoming a tighter knit community!

Some unpleasant items we need to share:  We would like to remind folks that the May Annual Garage Sale will not take place as usual, we may possibly be able to do it later in the summer.

As for the opening of the pool, as you can tell we have proceeded with filling the pool and getting it ready, but we will be following The City and the Apex PRD for direction and guidelines once they receive it from the Governor.  We expect this information to come near the end of April.  We know many of you are concerned with the 4th of July party or what our pool will be looking like this year?  We are in the beginning stages of seeing how what our new normal might look like and how we may get to use this beautiful amenity in our community.  There could possibly be a limited number of people allowed to gather and we can’t be certain how long this will last.  Everything is up in the air, but we are almost certain this 4th of July will not look like what it has in the past.  Even if we were to have the party, the number of attendees may be low due to social concerns. Whatever it is, please know we are all in this together and we will be sharing information as soon as we get it.

We know we are not all in the same boat, but we are in the same storm!

Keep an eye on one another and continue to to make Meadowglen proud!

Meadowglen Clean-Up

Hello Meadowgleners! I hope this finds you all healthy and doing well. Usually this message would be talking about how we’d handle the snow for our annual Meadowglen Clean-Up Day, which had been scheduled for this Saturday, April 18th. But, this year is different, with us all socially distancing from each other. So, we won’t get together to gather litter from our common areas, but I’m encouraging each of us to do our part to keep our grounds clean.

As a subdivision we adopted Little Dry Creek Trail from Pomona Dr to Club Crest. On our clean-up days we get trash from our grounds around the clubhouse and pool, along the length of our adopted train, from the bushy areas along the creek, and even the expanse of grassy area at 80th and Pomona. This year we seem to have an unusual amount of litter, probably because so many of us have been outdoors in our neighborhood for fresh air and exercise. Use whatever precautions make sense to you, but let’s all chip in to keep our grounds free of trash! Earth Day is April 22. That is a day to focus our efforts around, but picking up litter is something we can do all year.

Your Beautification Committee