2020 Pool Survey Results and FAQ

Published by mgladmin on

We had such a great response to our pool survey! Thank you all for taking the time to respond and many of you for the thoughtful comments. There were many ideas that the board hadn’t considered and have changed our mind about too. Overall we had 85 unique respondents with 84% of those responding that they did want the pool to open.

There were a lot of questions that people asked about how the Board came to the decisions we did, the cost of cleaning, the Board’s responsibility, and the guest policies. As I mentioned above, we have changed some of our positions on certain topics (guests and trash). I have written up a FAQ page that we will update as often as needed. As restrictions ease, we may be allowed to change our policies as well. Please find the following link to the Pool FAQ:

2020 Meadowglen Pool FAQ

Thanks again for participating!

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