2020 Pool Survey

Dear Meadowglen residents,
The Board is exploring all options regarding the opening of the Meadowglen pool for the summer of 2020. Because the state and local public health organizations have issued specific guidelines for pool usage (including HOA pools), the board is committed to doing its due diligence to determine what is the safe and smart thing to do, and to determine what lengths the community is willing to go to to support the opening of the pool. 

Restrictions for pool use:

  • An online reservation system will be utilized
    • Only one 2-hour block per day per household will be allowed
    • Reservations only allowed up to three days in advance
    • Reservation holders must check-in when they arrive
    • Maximum capacity of 50 people at any time will be managed by the reservation system
    • You must have a reservation to use the pool
  • Meadowglen residents (and caregivers) only. No outside guests will be permitted, including extended family.
  • No pool parties allowed
  • No garbage left behind (pack it in, pack it out required). No lost and found this year. Everything left on accident will be disposed of.
  • Social distancing required on deck and in pool. The pool deck will be marked with sections to be seated. Markers around the pool will indicate 6 ft separation
  • Cleaning:
    • Hourly cleaning of frequently touched surfaces and the bathrooms is required
    • Disinfectant spray bottles will be given to all parties to clean their furniture before and after use
  • Pool hours reduced to 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and available for 2 hour blocks
  • No lifeguards will be present. The pool policy will be “swim at your own risk.”
  • Pool season will be from July 1 to September 7

Additionally, in order to comply with the state and local guidelines, the HOA is required to contract the services of two employees 1) to monitor pool capacity and social distancing 2) to sanitize surfaces on deck and in the restrooms every hour. The cost of these services is equal to what it costs for lifeguarding services during a regular season: Approximately $34,000.

With these restrictions in mind along with the associated cost, the Board is asking the community if they are in support of opening the pool or not in support of opening the pool.