2020 Meadowglen Pool FAQ

We received a lot of feedback on the Pool Survey! Both in favor of the pool opening and some in favor of keeping it closed. As of writing this, 82 people made their voices heard with 68 of them in favor of opening the pool. There were a lot of similar comments and questions that the Board received as part of the Pool Survey, so it made sense to write up a few more details about how we came to the choices we did.

Why are there no lifeguards this year?
Our pool management company (Absolute Pool Management or APM) cancelled all lifeguarding contracts this year citing their inability to get proper personal protective equipment (PPE) for their employees. Furthermore, they were unable to do the in-person training required for their personnel which would have led to potentially risky and a lower quality of service.

Aren’t lifeguards required?
Actually no. Most of the community pools in our area do not have lifeguards and are swim-at-your-own-risk. Furthermore, whether we have lifeguards or not our insurance premiums stay the same. Of course, we would feel safer with lifeguards, but that isn’t an option this year.

In addition to the regular pool rules, what additional rules are there to mitigate the risk of COVID-19?
The regular pool rules are still in effect and will be self-enforced. Additional rules include:

  • If you feel sick or have any COVID-19 related symptoms, please do not come to our common areas.
  • No more than 50 individuals in the pool area at one time. Signage/visual cues/social distancing markers will be installed in the pool area. Social distancing is required.
  • The pool will be open for Open Swim only when the cleaners are on site. They are permitted to close the pool temporarily or for the rest of the day depending on weather and safety.
  • Household adult must make reservations through online process and complete a release for each reservation.
  • To check-in for your reservation, you will need to provide proof of identity to the check-in attendant.
  • Only 2 families at the wading pool, reservation required.
  • To allow fair use of pool time by all interested, reservations will be limited to 1 2-hour block per day, made only up to 3 days in advance.
  • Masks are required when entering/leaving facility, and highly encouraged when sitting pool side. Masks are not needed when in the pool.
  • Household groups to remain in chosen areas unless in the pool or restroom.
  • No rafts or large flotation devices.
  • No pool parties
  • Lost and Found items will be disposed of at the end of each session; valuable items (cell phones, keys, etc.) will be bagged and retained for a limited time.
  • Spray bottles with disinfectant will be provided at the door, and families will be asked to spray down their areas of use before and after use.
  • PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT. To minimize movement on the pool deck, please dump all trash/recycling only when exiting your reservation.

Why do we need to hire a cleaning company?
The State of Colorado has very specific guidelines on how outdoor pools are to operate during the “Safer at Home” period. This includes disinfecting handrails, chairs, and tables hourly between use. Ideally our regular staff (lifeguards) would have handled the cleaning, but see above. The HOA also cannot just hire local teens and college age kids to do the cleaning because we must hire contractors that are licensed, bonded, and insured.

Why does the cleaning cost so much?
The Board and our manager at MSI reached out to every cleaning company we could to identify someone to come do the hourly cleanings. Many thought that the hours would be too difficult. Others didn’t want to take on the liability. The bids we did receive were in the range of $120/hour. Finally we were able to find a contractor that charges $52/hour for the cleaning and someone to check people in and ensure social distancing. The Board thought that this is a reasonable rate considering payroll, taxes, insurance, and licensing. To cover the 69 days between July 1 and Sept 7 (Labor Day), it will cost the HOA $35,776. We have asked the cleaner to bill actual hours worked, so if we need to close early then the costs could be less.

It’s awfully convenient that the cost for cleaning is the nearly same as the lifeguarding budget…
With the cancellation of the lifeguarding, the Board had a very specific target when considering cleaning. We adjusted the opening date and number of hours that the cleaners would be on site to ensure that their presence would be cost neutral to homeowner. We didn’t want to incur any additional expenses while maximizing the pool season.

That’s a lot to spend on cleaning, can’t we all be adults and clean up after ourselves?
When consulting our lawyers and insurance, they felt that the State “guidelines” were really rules that needed be followed if we were to open. They specifically stated that it was the HOA’s responsibility to put systems and procedures in place to ensure that social distancing and disinfecting are happening. 

Is it the Board’s job to protect everyone?
No. We unfortunately can’t protect everyone from COVID-19. But we can ensure the guidelines are followed and put every measure in place at the pool to limit the spread. Regardless of the science/politics/opinion on COVID-19, we must follow the State guidelines.

What if we chose not to follow the State Guidelines?
Again, the Board consulted with our lawyers and insurance agent on what we really NEED to do this summer to open the pool. Their specific instructions were that following all of the guidelines will reduce our liability in the case that a COVID-19 related lawsuit gets filed against the HOA. The Board always carries Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance which covers most actions taken by Board members should something crop up. Unfortunately, per our insurance agent, this does not cover anything COVID-19 related. This means that if a COVID-19 case happens at our pool and someone files a lawsuit, then the Board members will be personally liable for damages. We do not want this.

What if people don’t abide by the required social distancing?
The Board wants everyone to stay safe and healthy, and we really don’t want to be sued. If there are reports of people disregarding the social distancing or breaking any of the COVID-19 related rules, then we will close our pool. Full stop.

Are face masks really necessary?
We realize that sitting poolside in 100 degree weather with a mask on sounds really uncomfortable. However, the CDC guidelines for pools encourages the use of face coverings “as feasible”, and discourages the use of masks inside the pool (it’s amazing they had to write that). For now, masks are required on entry and exit of the pool grounds, and highly encouraged when sitting pool side. (yes, a change from the initial set of rules)

Because the pool opened late, can we extend the season past Labor Day?
In the past we’ve closed the pool at Labor Day because the lifeguards would go back to school. This year the cost of cleaning is the primary limit on the pool season. If the weather in August gets stormy in the afternoon and the cleaners go home early enough, we may have enough money to stay open a few more days. Furthermore, if restrictions ease and we don’t need a cleaner, then we may be able to stay open. We will keep everyone posted.

What are the annual costs for the pool?
For the calendar year 2020 here are the following budgeted pool related expenses:
Pool Maintenance: $10,476
Lifeguarding: $38,020
Pool Chemicals: $5100
Pool Repairs: $900
Pool Supplies: $200
Total: $54,969

We do have some additional incidental expenses this year because of COVID-19 including the reservation system, check-in system, cleaning supplies, etc., but we do not anticipate these exceeding our total budget for the pool.

Why are no guests allowed?
Initially no guests from outside of Meadowglen are allowed. Because the pool has limited capacity (50 people per reservation block), we want to maximize the benefit to our residents. While this does also limit the number of visitors into our neighborhood for COVID related reasons, it is mostly to maximize the benefit to residents.

Can my grandchild come with me to the pool?
If your grandchild lives in Meadowglen, then yes! If not, then no, at least for now, but see below.

Will guests ever be allowed this summer?
We’re hopeful that we will! We are ultimately limited by the State guidelines, which currently limits our capacity to 50 people per reservation block. Considering there are 5 blocks of time through the day, we can accommodate 250 people in any given day. Over the first 2 weeks (July 1 -July 15) we will monitor the usage of the pool by way of the reservation system. If we see that we are not at 100% capacity during the open swim periods, then we may open up to outside guests. Furthermore, if there the State eases restrictions and allows more people, then we can open it up to guests.

Why do we need to pack-in/pack-out with our trash?
We have changed our position on this topic. Originally, we were trying to reduce risk for our cleaning company we ask people to bring as much of their own trash out of the pool area. Now, we will have trash service at the pool, but would prefer to minimize movement around the pool deck for social distancing purposes. Please hold on to your trash until you exit the pool area and dump all of your trash in the larger trash bins instead of the remote cans.

Why only 2 families at the wading pool?
When the Board met to look at the pool deck, we decided that to ensure 6 ft separation between families in and out of the pool, only 2 families could safely use this area. Furthermore, the traffic along the small fence into the main pool area meant that no one should setup in that area.

If I reserve the wading pool, can I enter the main pool?
Yes! We have the number of people capped at 50 and that includes anyone at the wading pool. The reservation system is setup to accept 40 people at the main pool and 10 at the wading pool. If the main pool is fully booked, but the wading pool is not, you may book the wading pool slots and only use the main pool. We ask that you socially distance when maneuvering about the pool deck.

If I reserve the main pool, can I enter the wading pool?
Maybe. We are reserving these spots for people with small children, but it’s possible that the reservation capacity will fill up without any families in these areas. Please make sure that there aren’t people setup in these spots before moving in. Again, we ask that you socially distance when maneuvering about the pool deck.

If people cancel their reservation, can we stay at the pool longer?
Yes! If you see that a reservation has been vacated or never filled, you must reserve that spot. The check-in person will make sure that people leave at the 2 hour increments, so be sure to communicate and prove that you have reserved the next spot.

If people are more than 30 minutes late, can I take their reservation?
Maybe. This becomes a little bit of a burden on the check-in person. We are checking with the cleaning company how feasible this is.

Why are the Lap Swim hours 7-8 AM and the Open Swim 10 AM to 8 PM?
The State guidelines dictate that cleaning needs to happen hourly. To reduce the cost of cleaning, they will only be on site during open swim from 10 AM to 8 PM. The 1 hour of lap swim on either end allows those who are interested an opportunity to swim without needing the cleaner present.

Does the lap swim count against my family’s open swim spot?
No. We will make these reservations separate.

How many lap swimmers are allowed at a time?
We have 6 lanes, so 6 slots. We will not be putting the lane lines in, so be sure to use the visual guide along the bottom of the pool.

Who is going to maintain the pool chemistry?
Our normal pool company is still doing routine maintenance. The cleaning company will not need to adjust the chemistry.

What happens if feces or vomit is in or around the pool?
Typically the lifeguards would handle this situation… The Board reached out to APM and received guidance to pass on to the cleaning company. Many of these situations would typically close the pool, at least for some time. The cleaning company will also ensure closing by cancelling reservations as necessary for up to the required time duration (30 min to the full day).

What happens if there is lightning?
The cleaners are permitted to close the pool for weather and safety reasons. This closure could be for the rest of the day or just temporarily. They will be sure to cancel any relevant reservations using the reservation system.

What will be the hours on the 4th of July?
The pool will close at 6 PM on the 4th of July.