Pomona Lake Water Levels

Toward the end of summer there were some concerns about the decreasing water level in Pomona Lake. A group of concerned homeowners and some Board members hosted some people from the City of Arvada Parks and Open Spaces Department to discuss the water levels. We learned that the State of Colorado regulates when each body is in priority based on historic legal water rights. This spring there was a miscommunication at the City on when the inlet valve should have been opened, which started a series of events leading to the dropping water levels. Then, the lake goes out of priority near June 1 and thus the inlet closed. In combination with a really dry summer, the levels dropped to a concerning low. The miscommunication has been addressed at the City and they will ensure that doesn’t happen in the future, but a summer drought is unfortunately uncontrollable.

We wanted to let everyone know that as of last week, Pomona Lake is back in priority and the timing couldn’t be better. With the October snow storms, this past weekend Little Dry Creek was neither little nor dry, and the lake has risen 8 inches back to it’s nominal levels!

Pomona Lake Project

The Meadowglen Beautification Committee has taken on a project of investigating possibilities to make our lake more appealing to the eye and more attractive to wildlife. The committee is made up of 6 dedicated residents. If successful, there may be a possibility of more community involvement in the future. We’ll let you know what we discover!

Halloween Party Recap

On Friday the 25th the neighborhood came together for a hallowing good time. This year we shook things up to provide more space inside for all to have room to party. We added a campfire and S’mores outside in the parking lot. This was a great way to keep an eye on the children playing on the playground and stay warm. Having the fire also provided a place for people to go if it did get crowded inside. We added apple bobbing! This brought back childhood memories for the adults and had our children making new ones. Inside this year we moved the furniture around to maximize the space. This left room for the games we had like: bones-ket ball, toss a spider into the web, and our photo station. We also added times and activities for each school age group which included crafts for our preschool and slime for elementary. Overall, neighbors had excellent feed back to our changes. We look forward to next year when we will add a haunted house under the club house. A special shout out to Linzi King and Natalie Ohlsen for all their planning and creativity.  A giant thank you to everyone else who helped make this event a big success!