2019 Pool Season

Published by arifeldman on

It’s finally here! The pool opens today, May 24th! To make sure we get the season off to a good start, please remember that lifeguards are required to monitor for compliance with all pool rules (see below). Please remember:

  • Pool Hours are: 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. Monday through Sunday. (Lifeguard coverage times will be reduced once school begins in August.)
  • Residents are required to sign in upon entry to the pool
  • Residents are allowed to bring a maximum of two (2) guests per household member.
  • Use of the pool for parties (clubhouse, lawn, or any other parties) is only permitted with prior approval and contract with the pool company. Please use this form:

Swim Team Schedule

The Meadowglen swim team practices:

  • May 27th – June 21st 7am-10am 
  • June 24 – June 28th 6am-10am
  • July 1 – July 26th. 7am-10am

The Board has also allowed the swim team to use the swim lane on weekdays after 10 am for pre-team (usually younger) members, but will cede the lane to homeowners when present.

Swim meets will occur:

  • 6/15 approximately 7-1 pm
  • 6/22 approximately 7-10 am
  • 6/29 approximately 7-1 pm
  • 7/20 approximately 7-3 pm

Please remember that swim meets generate a lot of traffic around the pool. If you have any issues please contact any Board Member or our manager Lewis Moses at MSI (720) 974-4112.

Meadowglen Pool Rules


  • The lifeguard oversees the pool and can close the pool at any time due to weather, violations of rules, and unsafe or inappropriate behavior.
  • The lifeguard has disciplinary authority and may remove any person from the pool for violation of pool rules.
    • The pool is for residents of Meadowglen and their guests only.
    • The pool is open from 6:00am – 9:00pm (Monday thru Sunday). 
    • Residents are allowed 2 guests per resident and the resident must be present during guest swim.
    • Children 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian always.
    • Swim diapers are required for all infants.
    • Adult swim is on the tenth of every hour for ten minutes, or at the lifeguard’s discretion.
    • Anyone damaging the pool area, the accessories or the bathroom area will be responsible for all damages.


  • No Smoking or Vaping inside pool area or within 50 ft of pool fence
  • No running
  • No profanity
  • No pets in the pool area
  • No horseplay, throwing, “playing chicken�? launching, or pushing of persons
  • No glass containers allowed in the pool area
  • No plugged in electrical equipment allowed inside the pool area
  • No pool toys allowed that could cause bodily injury. This includes rocks, coins and other hard objects
  • No bicycles, tricycles, skateboards, roller skate, scooters or other recreational equipment in pool area
  • No group parties without prior approval
  • No offensive tattoos, symbols or language will be permitted  

Questions and concerns can be directed to
Absolute Pool Management, LLC. at 303-808-3891 or 720-252-9900

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