2019 ARC Guidelines Accepted!

Published by mgladmin on

After much deliberation at the July Board meeting, the Board accepted the draft 2019 ARC Guidelines. We did receive a couple of comments asking for our further consideration regarding a few of the proposed changes. After a lively discussion, the Board voted in favor of accepting the ARC’s proposed guidelines. There are a number of major changes this year including:

  • Removed Guidelines:
    • Clotheslines (see Declarations)
    • Flower Boxes
    • General Maintenance (see Declarations)
    • Holiday Decorations (see Declarations)
    • Newspapers/Flyers
    • Vents (moved to Roofs)
  • Guidelines that no longer need approval (but please consult guidelines for best practices and clarification):
    • Repair of a fence when replaced with like-for-like materials
    • Hot tubs/spas
    • Minor landscaping changes. I.e. replacement of plants. Major landscaping design changes still require approval
    • Standard mailbox replacement with a cedar post. Custom mailboxes still require DRR.
    • Repair/replacement of Railings for like-for-like items
    • Storage containers in the back yard under 6 feet tall
    • Solar Panels
  • Major Changes:
    • Basketball poles – Temporary poles may now remain standing, assuming they follow the same rules as permanent poles. If it is lying down, it must be stored behind the fence.
    • Flag Poles – May now be 15 feet tall. Up to 3 flags may be displayed
    • Play Structures – may now be up to 10 feet tall
    • Roof Addendum moved into body and simplified
    • Sheds – May now be 9 feet tall. Total number of sheds allowed is up to 3 with the following stipulations: no more than 3 below fence line, no more than 1 above fence line, and no more than 1 attached to the house.
    • Siding – Engineered wood siding and concrete fiber now approved.
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